Sunday, 21 September 2014

Perfectly Scared.

I am absolutely perfectly scared.

All the scars I carry on the inside and the outside made me who I am.

Some scars remind me everyday that I am a survivor. Other scars are part of being a women and a mother. And the ones that nobody can see will forever be my reminder of life lessons.

A lot of the scars have faded away and I don't even notice or remember them anymore. But there will always be one or two scars that never turns white or fade away. I have learnt to live with those, but when I am weak and tired, most often when I really don't want to be reminded, those scars will be the only things that I can see or feel.

I have scars on my heart, most have healed but when you least expect it, a similar experience will open it up, and the healing will have to start all over. You need to bleed a bit before the wound can become a scar.

My healing process takes time and I am one of those people that heals very slowly and scar very badly. On the inside and the outside. Maybe the uglier the scar, the harder it will be to open up that wound again.

The self inflicted internal scars seems stupid, but we all have them, those choices you made or did not make, regrets, people that you loved and lost or  people I just had to walk away from, and experiences and special moments that stay with you forever....

Then there are those scars that make me smile, little scars left secretly on my heart.

I feel with my soul, trust with my gut and most of the time love to intensely, and then get hurt so badly that I scar....

For the first time in my life, I wanted a reminder of how strong I am, I wanted a symbol that will represent where I am in my life, a reminder that no matter how many times I get hurt, I will get up and fly again;

I saw this little black dragon, and just new this will be my first tattoo. I am fierce and I am strong and just as magical as my dragon.

My dragon is beautiful and I am wearing it proudly!

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