Monday 8 August 2016

Never appologise

Never apologise!

I have a tattoo, I like tequila.
I read fantasy novels, and listen to rock music.
I don't listen to Afrikaans music.
I drive to fast, and like to 4x4.
I love vampires and werewolf's.
I still get my left and right wrong.
I am a chocoholic and hate the winter.
I cry about animals more than people.
When I am close to an ocean, I have to walk in the water.
I am crazy about travel.
I hate pranks.
I love to dance and I am a cat person.
Coffee is my drug.
I believe in old souls and that we can have more than one soulmate.
I over analyse.
I still wear a bikini even if I have lots of scars.
I get very impatient and can't take it if somebody don't see logic.
I believe in parallel universes.
I am not a hypocrite and I don't judge.
I read people in seconds.
I am an insomniac and use pills to sleep.
I love antiques and already have to many pieces in my house.
If I could shape shift it would be into a dragon.
Steampunk is cool.
I will never have enough shoes.
I want a 1933 Ford coupe.
I use swear words and I talk to myself.

And I will never again apologize for the Ciska I have become!